At the core of our team, we have the belief that one of the most important factors for the well-being of a human is to have access to high-quality education. This motivates us to constantly search for and share valuable information that can improve the wellness of our community. Here we have listed some of the notable resources that we have found. But please keep in mind that “ABBA Society оf Health & Wellness” Foundation is not related to those websites or the authors of the educational pieces.
How to safely use herbal supplements
It is not a secret that the majority of people at some point have reached to the usage of herbal supplements. Today, some of the remedies having the “natural” label are supplements or herbs, having their fame established a long time ago, and are the go-to solution for certain symptoms. But the truth is that we have to be careful with our choices because often, the manufacturers are abusing the “natural” label. Additionally, some herbal combinations can do more harm than help, especially if they are combined with incompatible medicines. In this article, you can review the guidelines on what to check before using natural supplements of any kind.
Essential oils used in aromatherapy: A systemic review
In recent years alternative therapies of different types are gaining traction as supportive methods used along with classical medicine. After science has confirmed the potent capabilities of various plants spread all around the world, modern aromatherapists have found their footing. This is the reason that the methodologies they use are attracting more fans globally. The power of essential oils is generally harnessed through three main ways – inhalation, local application, and baths. In this scientific review, almost every important angle when it comes to using aromatherapy is addressed. Also, the information is gathered by using a really solid volume of resources.
Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series
This study is dedicated to the potent effects of cannabidiol (CBD) which is one of many cannabinoid compounds found in cannabis. Due to a lack of knowledge, the vast majority of society has put a stigma on all cannabis compounds. Fortunately, in recent days the evidence that CBD (which by the way, doesn’t introduce the dreaded “high” typical for marijuana) has the potential to relieve a lot of our health issues. In this particular case, the focus was put on the effect that CBD had on anxiety and sleep problems. If you are curious about the results, you can check the study yourself.